Be persistent, don’t give up, continue to pray for healing and good continued health for Ralph Kalian, Elton Blair, Jack Gilmour, Bill Ruth, Pat Bird, Dorothy Hover, Elaine Heebner, Bonnie Martinez, and Kevin Helms.
Upcoming Events, Classes, and Groups
Non-perishable food items are being collected in the large boxes under the shelf in the entry. These are for HopeLink of Henderson. This is a way of reaching out to our community and being involved in helping the poor and needy. Please bring in any eligible food items and put them in these boxes.
Wednesday night at 7:00 pm is our weekly bible study. Please join us for a time of learning and praying.
If you would like to donate toward flowers for Sunday mornings please designate this on your offering envelope as “flowers for the Church.”
Get the word out: Remember to tell all of your friends and family about St. Paul's and invite them to come and experience our worship.